Who we are

HiBOA™ (Hawaii Bar Owners Association) is an organization of  owners of licensed liquor establishments who serve alcohol in the State of Hawaii. 

Establishments include, but are not limited to, bars, pubs, saloons, restaurants, nightclubs, taverns, and any other establishment that has a license to dispense liquor. 

HiBOA is a non profit organization whose goal is to focus on issues which pertain mainly to the everyday operation of our business and, together as an Association, lobby our legislators and have our voices heard regarding rules, regulations, and laws that affect our everyday operation.

In the past few years, the laws that have been passed through legislature were passed without any thought or regard for the benefit of people in our industry
(an industry that contributes millions of dollars a year to this State and its economy). 

The following are just a few of the laws that have to be addressed and / or revised:

  1. The bottle bill (it costs each and every one of us thousands of dollars a year)

  2. The minimum wage increase which goes into effect beginning January ‘07

  3. The general excise tax which also goes into effect in January ’07

  4. The most recent smoking bill which we believe is unconstitutional

Won’t you please join us to have your voice heard?  The cost at this time is absolutely nothing.  We may require a small donation later on as we accumulate legal fees but I am sure that it will be nominal.  It will be a change for the better.

Please email or phone your company name, address, phone number,
and the contact person we can correspond with for future information. 

Only together will we make a difference.

Thank you,

Fred Remington
10 Marin Ln.
Honolulu, HI  96817
(808) 479-0782 cell
(808) 521-4712 office  (808) 924-5420 fax

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