Agenda and Minutes | 3/21/16

Hawaii Bar Owners Association (HIBOA) General Meeting
Date:  March 21, 2016
Time:  6:00 p.m.
Place: Real Gastropub
1.     Introductions
2.     Call for New Business
            -Chinatown Safety issues
            -Chinatown business organization
3.     January 11, 2016  Meeting Summary
Move to call Summary Minutes to follow traditional format of summarizing meetings
Action: Board accepts draft meeting summary (as is or with changes)
4.     Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation – Bill
Action: Review and approve final draft of HIBOA bylaws and articles of incorporation, discuss next steps (DCCA, banking)
            Reviewed by Kenneth Hoo
            Pending DCCA Filing Documents / Registration /
            Federal ID# / Nonprofit filing / Bank Account
5.     Membership Recruitment
Action: Develop recruitment strategy: who, what, when
6. subscription – Nicole
Action: Review subscription benefits, decide whether or not to pursue
7.     Rule Changes / Legislation – Nicole
Noise- Anonymous complaints nothing in liquor law or rules demanding Anon.
Action: Re: anonymous complaints review what other cities do, decide how to proceed
Action: Re: sound rules, review previous rulemaking committee information and “trial status” of current rules
Action: What issues does HIBOA want to focus in in 2016 (anonymous complaints, sound rules, LC pre-hearing requirement
8.         2016 legislative session
            Key Bills
            SB2503   BAC level .06  Deferred most prefer stiffer penalties for higher levels
HB2249   Noise issues db levels Deferred may have to contend on city level
            HB2251 Recycling fees Dropped fees & calls for DOH to study and report to leg  
            SB2694 Independent Contractors Very much alive and of concern (musicians)
            HB1790  Maui County LC use of 10% of fines for HS Alcohol training no actions
Establish communication line for future testimony on bills
            Appearing at legislature / lobbying / opposition vs pro actions
9.         Liquor Commission
            Stings uncertain of status
            New Licenses / acceptable by LC standards 
            Pro business bills in legisature stifled by JUD / Rhoads
            Suggestion to contend against Rhoads from    
Smoking 21 years of age
            E & J Case- no determination
10.     New Business
11.     Wrap Up
–       Agreements
–       Assignments / Next steps
–       Next meeting
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